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SilverBench · online multicore CPU benchmarking service (uses only JavaScript) to benchmark computer (PC or mobile device) performance using a photon mapping rendering engine. Three benchmark options available—Performance, Extreme, and Stress test. The photon mapping is performed by CPU alone (no GPU is used). Stress test is useful for CPU burn-in, temperature, and stability testing.

The .js edition · 2.0
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Last 10 benchmarks · Mixed

  • S0.1588·2m ago
  • P3181·5m ago
  • S0.01·8m ago
  • P14493·10m ago
  • P13428·14m ago
  • P39611·21m ago
  • S0.0804·27m ago
  • P30351i·31m ago
  • S0.0422·37m ago
  • X3433i·45m ago
Results are shown in submission order.

All time TOP 5 · Performance

Performance scores (higher is better).

All time TOP 5 · Extreme

Extreme score (higher is better).

All time TOP 5 · Stress

  • S0.7474·162d ago
  • S0.7008·2y+ ago
  • S0.6458·28d ago
  • S0.6427·91d ago
  • S0.6314·3y+ ago
Stress score (higher is better). Scores are collected automatically after 10th rendered frame.

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4,957,723 benchmarks done.
That's about 64 Tera Rays!
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SilverBench · My Chromebook got so hot it burned a hole in my desk!
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